There is a famous children's book called James and the Giant Peach. I remember my mom buying the movie when Caroline, Matty, David, Rachel, Ashley, and Katie were young. I thought it was the most boring movie. But I have a greater appreciation for the title of that book/movie now and want to share it with you. My story is more like "Vicki Meets the Giant Peach." So the long and short of it is, I was eating one of my summer favorites: fresh cut up peaches last week, and the last piece that went down, didn't go down, it went up... You know the holes at the back of your throat that lead up to your nose? Well, this small piece of peach got wedged up in the right hole, not only plugging my right nostril but somehow scraping the back of my throat as well. I tried everything to either sniff it up and out or cough it down and out. I tried squirting close to a full cup of water up my nose. (Thought I was going to drown and ended up giving myself a huge headache after filling every sinus cavity in my head with hot water.) Nothing worked. That small piece of peach drove me nuts. Lindsay gave me the best advice, I snorted close to two bottles of Ocean saline nasal spray. Two days later the piece of peach finally rotted and slid down my throat. The cost: five pounds lighter, a sore throat for the past 10 days, an ear ache, and a voice that comes and goes - still. And a new respect for "the Giant Peach." :-)
Oh, and by the way, thank you Ashley for creating the new way for me to eat my peaches... peach applesauce.
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