Traci and Claudia
When I woke up this morning I was thinking how much I love my girl friends. I'm thinking best-type friends, not acquaintances, but people who really know me and still like me. Now, I don't have bunches of them. In fact, I could probably count on my fingers and toes the total sum of my friends. But I must say that the friends in my life are the most talented, gifted, loving, intelligent, supportive people I have ever met. I decided to take my camera to school with the intention of taking pictures of all these "important to me" people. Now, they're not all at school, but a vast majority of them are. After taking just one picture, I realized the magnitude of this "little" project. Thus, I see that I must make this a "parts" post. You know, Good Friends Part I. So, at 6:30 this morning, I got one picture taken - of Traci and Claudia. Can you imagine going to work everyday and getting to see such happy, perky, positive, people at such an early time of the day? Aren't they beautiful! (It's true - inside and out!) They make me laugh, they pick me up when I'm down, they let me vent, they share their thoughts with me, and they do nice things for me ALL the time. I think it's cool how the older I get the better the friends get. It's like I'm finally grown up enough to have the best of the good, better, best. -V